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A-Levels Physics

Edexcel A-levels - Physics Notes


Notes for PHYSICS UNIT 3:

Edexcel A levels Physics Unit 3 Notes by Niharika on Scribd


Physics Unit 4 Notes (Based on Past Papers)

Uniform Electric Field
Space/area/region where a force acts on a charged particle
 The force is the same at all points Or Field strength is constant Or Field lines equi-spaced
Explain why/how two parallel wires with current in same direction attract
Current in a wire produces a magnetic field
Identifies direction of B field around either wire
(Each) wire is in the magnetic field of the other wire
 A current-carrying wire in a magnetic field experiences a force
Mention of Fleming’s left hand rule (accept motor rule) Or identifies neutral point between wires.
Rutherford gold foil experiment
Most alpha went straight through
Some deflected
Very few came straight back Or very few had a deflection > 90o Or 1 in 8000 came straight back Conclusions:
 Atom mainly empty (space)
Charge is concentrated in the centre/in a nucleus/nucleus is charged
Mass is concentrated (at the centre) Or dense/massive nucleus
Role of magnetic field in particle detector
To curve the tracks/paths Or to produce a centripetal force/acceleration Or to allow particles to spiral Or to produce an arc Or to produce circular motion
So that momentum/energy/charge/ velocity/mass can be investigated
What happens to the capacitor when circuit switch is closed
Capacitor charges up Or p.d. across capacitor becomes (equal to) p.d. of cell
Negative charge on one plate and positive charge on the other Or opposite charges on each plate Or movement of electrons from one plate and to the other (around the circuit)
MeV à u
MeV × 106 × 1.6×10-19 ÷ (3×108)2 ÷1.66×10-27   
3 conservation laws (Particle physics)
è Momentum is conserved
è Charge is conserved
è Mass/energy is conserved
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
The induced e.m.f. (in a conductor) is equal/proportional to the rate of change of (magnetic) flux (linkage) (ε = (−)d(NΦ) /dt)
Explain the path of the ion both between the plates and when it has left the plates
Between the plates there is a force (references to repulsion and attraction are not sufficient)
Gives a downward acceleration Or accelerates towards the negative plate
Constant horizontal velocity Or no forces act horizontally

Outside the plates no (electric) field /force acts Or Outside the plates speed so large that gravitational effect negligible